(no subject)

Dec 22, 2006 12:35

Why on earth to people want to come tour the campus today? It is Friday before Christmas, it is raining, all of the buildings are locked and even the residence hall is locked so there's nothing to see. Seriously, people? Why you wanna do that to me? Why you wanna make me stay here as one of only four people in the entire office today? Sucks hardcore, man.

In other news, I think this just broke my brain in the best way possible.

Harry Potter and the Eagle of Truthiness aka What would happen if Stephen Colbert taught DADA?

Brain. Broke.

ETA: Only read three paragraphs of this and have to share. Brain broke more. Hilarity ensues. OMG.

Disoriented, Demented, and a Little Nuts aka The Muppets move their next movie to Vancouver and get fangirled by the casts of SGA and BSG.


"So you're in the business?" Kermit asked.

"Actor. I'm on Stargate Atlantis."

"Oh. I'm sorry, I thought you meant you were on a television show."

"We're on the Sci Fi Channel," David explained.

"Oh. Then I'm really sorry."

In the end, David persuaded him to agree to a cameo in the movie; he had done, David swore, loads of independent films, and was a true artist who would brighten any picture he was in. And as long as he was going to let David in, could his friend Paulie come too? Paulie, he swore, was a true actor. And a wrestler. And unlike that pussy Joe Flanigan, he wasn't allergic to felt.

Mostly, Kermit agreed to make him go away.


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