SGA: 3.12 Echoes

Nov 30, 2006 09:20

After being completely underwhelmed last week -- due in no small part to my OVERWHELMING dislike of SG1 crossovers (which I'm sure spazzula is very tired of hearing me say) -- OMG 3.12 was so much fun. Radek raised pigeons! Rodney pulled a Dory and tried to talk 'whale'! Ronon falls asleep while meditating! Teyla threatens to hit him with a stick if he does again! Carson being all delightfully doctory -- while I do love kickass!Carson, I miss doctor!Carson. Doctor!Carson is what stole my heart in the first place. *pets Carson and holds onto him for dear life* *mutters* You can't take him. I love him. And John and Rodney yelling because of their poor eardrums. Poor bleeding eardrums *lol* And Kate's back -- even if it is with an absolutely unflattering red hair color.

Seriously, where do you get Clairol in the Pegasus galaxy? Send coffee instead. Or a ZPM. See, and here's where a bit of my curmudgeon comes in -- keep all three ZPMs, dammit! Finders keeper. Earth ain't doing nothing for you, let them fight their own problems on their own show. Rodney, keep your ZPMs because you know what? You're going to need them. It's never a one-ZPM sized problem when you have one ZPM. NEVER. It's Murphy's Law, Pegasus style. If you don't have it, that'll be the one thing you need to save the day.

But this episode was just hands down fun, and that's been missing for me for a while. Hell, I wasn't even terribly excited about this new half of the season, but the fun's come back. Please, please stay fun. Fun is a good thing! I watch TV for fun. Yay fun.

And total sidenote from that. Finally moved into my new office today. Well, I did yesterday, but I'm still getting things in order. Have finally moved out of what is lovingly called the 'hazing office' -- with it's draft, freezing temps, room for only one chair and a desk and blinky florescent light. Yay for new real office.

Oh, and something fun for the SGA fans on the flist. Got a call yesterday from a collegue. The collegue's name? Dr. Elizabeth Weir. Seriously stared at the ID on the phone for a solid five seconds before being able to form a coherent answer to the question. Was half tempted to answer the phone with 'John Sheppard' but I didn't know if she'd get it or just be like 'omg, never calling her again'.

stargate atlantis, general chatter

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