Music is Love

Jun 23, 2006 01:20

So, there were music memes floating around previously, but as I'm terrible about remember meme rules, I'm just gonna post some Friday music for general consumption. They're currently favorites on my iTunes. And hey, who knows, maybe this'll be a weekly thing cause I love music, and I love sharing music, because what good is music if there is no one to listen to it? It's a whole tree falls in a forest thing. Although I have to admit, my favorite koan is 'what is the sound of one hand clapping?'

My Asian Religions prof from college would be giddy that I could work 'koan' into a sentence. And would flip that this wasn't the first time *lol*

And I will warn you, I have ecclectic taste. I've rarely met a genre that I didn't enjoy.

Some Friday Music

1. Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine Show [Buy]
Bluegrass. Mellow bluegrass. I originally found this one looking up a line from sirduke's journal, I think. But any song that that mention places I've been gets an automatic yay from me, specially since I adore Raleigh and will one day return. Fav line: "And if I die in Raleigh, at least I will die free"

2. Crazy - Gnarls Barkely [Buy]
This is more urban pop, with a bit of dance and the slightest bit of tech thrown in. GB is a collaboration between DJ Dangermouse and Cee-lo, and I just adore the sound. I originally found this by flipping through MTV at 3am and finding the video, which is this great psychodelic ink blot progression. Hypnotised me, and I just had to have the song. There just something about his voice and a great American Bandstand quality - 'it's got a good beat, and I can dance to it'. Fav line: "It wasn't because I didn't know enough, I just knew too much"

3. I Shall Not Walk Alone - Blind Boys of Alabama [Buy]
And here we go a little gospel. It sounds like it should be a capella, but the piano in the background is a nice addition I think. It's a beautiful song, sung by guys with a beautiful story, and I just love songs with heavy meaning that feel light singing them. Fav line: "Break the chains that hold us down, and we shall be Forever bound"

4. Nine Million Bicycles - Katie Melua [Buy]
Mellow Brit pop. It's a light and fluffy love song, which I usually veer away from because of the sacchrine aftertaste, but her voice is just too cute. And the numerical thing that she does with her lyrics in this songs is amusing in it's own right. It's the cotton candy of pop, and sometimes we all need some sugar. Fav line: "There are six billion people in the world, more or less, and it makes me feel quite small, but you're the one I love most of all"

5. House of the Rising Sun - The Animals [Buy]
The Animals are some classic rock. I fell in love with them while writing about their song 'Sky Pilot' for a paper I was doing on protest music of the Vietnam era a few years ago. And I could get into a great discussion on the history of the lyrics for HotRS, but I won't do that here, because the Animals arrangement is enjoyable on it's own. I mean, how can you not enjoy an organ solo? Fav line: "I'm goin' back to New Orleans, to wear that ball and chain"

EDIT: Since this is musically relevant. My brother just came in here to show me a cell picture his friend just sent him. Turns out that Dave Matthews ala Dave Matthews Band was eating dinner just down the road from me. At one of my fav lil restaurants in my little MD town. First off, what on earth is he doing here? Secondly, sooo much cooler than the usual Cheney/Rumsfeld/insert third Bush employee of the week that the restaurant usually gets. I should upload some DMB in honor of that. Need to find the cds...

music, general chatter

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