Fic: Galileo: Fire (SGA, Beckett/Cadman, PG)

Jun 04, 2006 23:56

Title: Galileo: Fire
Challenge: stagesoflove, fanfic100 052. Fire (Table)
Theme: Elements(Air, Water, Fire, Earth, Spirit)
Pairing: Carson Beckett/Laura Cadman (Stargate Atlantis)
Rating: PG
Summary: "So, we’re not dead yet, food’s not been poisoned yet and no one’s stumbled on hidden caches of atomic weapons," Rodney commented, sitting down on the bench next to Carson and taking bite out of an unidentified meat on a stick. "Not a bad end to the day."

Carson stretched his legs as he settled onto one of the deserted benches by the bonfire. He’d spent most of the day trading medicines and herbal remedies with the healers on Maltha, one of the few planets in Pegasus that hadn’t tried to kill them. Yet, Rodney insisted on adding after each successive visit, they hadn’t tried to kill us yet. Carson wasn’t nearly as pessimistic, but he added the yet for good measure. The Malthans were a friendly and adept farming community and in exchange for medical advice and instruction in various new planting techniques, the community was more than willing to share some of its crops with Atlantis.

It was planting season on Maltha, so Elizabeth had sent three teams and a small medical contingent to aid in the process as a sign of goodwill. After the talks and work was finished for the day, Norvis, one of the Elders of the community, invited the group to stay for their planting festival that evening. An evening of song and dance and celebration, he explained. A time of sharing with friends and allies and general relaxation after the hard times of the planting. ‘Planting festival’ was only slightly less frightening than ‘harvest festival’, but Colonel Sheppard had been appropriately wary, and Rodney was generally pessimistic about the entire ordeal until one of the pretty blonde women of the community smiled sweetly and asked him personally to stay. For all of the man’s bluster, it was amazing what a pretty face could get Rodney to do, Carson chuckled as he took a sip of his drink and clapped with the rest of the villagers as a crowd of women started to circle around the bonfire in dance.

“So, we’re not dead yet, food’s not been poisoned yet and no one’s stumbled on hidden caches of atomic weapons,” Rodney said, taking a place on the bench next to Carson and taking bite out of an unidentified meat on a stick. “Not a bad end to the day.”

“Aye, not bad at all,” Carson chuckled, still watching the dance around the fire. It looked less a choreographed dance and more an excuse for the village woman to spin around the fire to a drum beat being banged out by a few of the children off to the side, and to drag a few of their less coordinated friends with them. “I could grow accustomed to not being attacked - is that Laura?” he asked, shifting gears as soon as he caught a glimpse of the familiar blonde hair whipping around, loose and unrestrained from its typical off-world ponytail and bun.

“Mmm,” Rodney nodded, still chewing on his dinner. “And she’s got Teyla in tow.”

The pair were holding hands in a long line of women now snaking and running around the fire, laughing like children, before letting go and spreading out into the crowd. Laura stumbled slightly as the group let go, tripping neatly onto Carson’s lap and laughing like that was her intention the entire time. “Wow,” she said, wiping the sweat from her forehead and pushing her hair back as she spoke. “That was something.”

“Aye, it was,” Carson agreed as he wrapped an arm around her to steady her in his lap. “What possessed you to do that?”

Laura shrugged, snatching one of the meat sticks from Rodney. He attempted to complain, but she turned her attention back to Carson and effectively tuned the ranting out. “Ava, Norvis’ wife, said that it was tradition and we were guests and we should get up there with them. So they pulled Teyla up, who grabbed me because of course she’s not going to get up here and shimmy all alone,” she replied lightly. “It was fun. A bit frivolous, and since it didn’t seem like Colonel Sheppard and the rest were watching too closely, we thought we’d do it for the good of the team.” She grinned happily. “Friend building and all. I’m looking out for you, Beckett. That dance just bought us a whole nother carton of semi-carrots.”

“Then I thank you, love,” Carson replied, placing a light kiss on her cheek. “I do enjoy semi-carrots.”

“I enjoy not dying at the hands of restless festival-throwing natives,” Rodney commented. “So if you and Teyla shaking your groove thing around a fire keeps me alive for another night, knock yourselves out.”

“Oh, thanks Rodney,” Laura cooed. “I lose sleep at night wishing and hoping to be able to do something ridiculous in order to keep you alive for one more night. I can go to bed happy and content tonight.”

Rodney was going to reply back when the pretty blonde woman from before approached him, offering her hand and leaning down to whisper something in his ear. Carson couldn’t make out what it was, but it made Rodney jump up from his seat and follow her to another grouping of people. “I wonder what that was about?” he mused.

“Who cares,” Laura chuckled, wrapping her arms around Carson’s neck and kissing him lightly. “I think we’re alone now,” she added in an exaggerated whisper.

“Aye, you and I and the entire village,” Carson replied. He pulled her back so that she rested her head against his shoulder. “It’s been a good day.”

“Yep, it sure has,” she sighed. “But I’m damn tired. Those plows didn’t push themselves, you know.”

“I see that you are enjoying yourself, Dr. Beckett.”

Carson glanced up quickly, smiling as Norvis approached them. “Oh, yes I am. This is a lovely festival, Norvis. We’re all quite happy you invited us to join you.”

“I am just pleased to see that not all of the Atlanteans are alone tonight,” he answered pleasantly. “I was beginning to think that your entire people were celibate.”

Laura’s head jerked off of Carson’s shoulder at that, glancing uncomfortably at Norvis. “Do what?” she asked, much to the Elder’s amusement.

“This is a festival of planting in all regards. I am pleased to see that your people wish to take part in all aspects of the festival.” Norvis glanced behind him and then motioned for Carson and Laura to follow him. “Please, come this way.”

There didn’t seem to be much room for argument, Carson thought as he and Laura rose from the bench to follow the Elder from the crowd at the bonfire to a nearby grouping of tents. Norvis pulled back one of the tent flaps and motioned for the pair to precede him in. It was a small, spartan tent, with nothing more than a large grouping of pillows on the ground and a jug of a liquid, though Carson couldn’t tell what. “You may take as long as you like, we are not a rushed people. Do enjoy yourselves and return to the fires when you are finished.”

Carson glanced at Laura as Norvis buttoned the flap closed behind him. “So,” he said, motioning to the pillows. “We’re supposed to-“

“Yep,” Laura nodded, grinning.

“Right here?”


Carson shook his head. “Well, I didn’t suspect this when they were talking about planting.” He looked over to smile at Laura. “So… what are we to do?”

“Well,” Laura answered slowly, unzipping her jacket and making her way over to the pile of pillows. She dropped it lazily on the pillows and motioned for Carson to join her. “When in Maltha…” she drawled.

Carson happily complied.

Part 4 - Galileo: Earth

beckett/cadman, fanfic, fanfic100, stagesoflove: elements, stargate atlantis

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