Wish I could. Still got to many exams to get through this week before I could go on a off-the-shelf substance bender. Did barrel through a 40oz last night to help myself sleep. I'm soooooo ghettoooooo. Naw seems like every once and a while I still catch glitches of damage that the X-wife did that I had no clue where even there. I in turn translate that over to Niki and find myself staring at the ceiling going "Seriously brain if I know this is something you just made up why can't I get past it?"
The stuff your brain comes up with is the hardest stuff to get rid of. I plan on getting a gallon of egg nog and forgetting everything I put into finals.
Biochem done. I don't even want to remember what a carbohydrate is. Though I plan on ingesting as many as I can get a hold of. Bring on the fat! Is a the conscious really nessicary for survival?
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