Dec 05, 2005 01:15
I've disabled comments on this post for a reason. don't ask questions cause I won't answer them.
It's amazing how well life can throw random curve balls at you. like when a friend of yours ex-girlfriend tracks you down two years after their relationship has ended. You go to a bar with her where this friend is the main topic of conversation, and on compairing notes you learn that everything he's said to everyone is a lie. also when comparing notes you discover that he's been cheating on his girlfriend for 2 years with his ex, who was unaware he had a girlfriend.
Needless to say you get pretty angry, and are trying to find a way to confront him, being that his girlfriend is also a friend. And lo and behold for the first time in a while you get a call from this friend the next day. So in the next few days I'll be going out with a friend, and I'll have a few questions to ask, give him the chance to explain things. If he can't, which I severly doubt being that at this moment I don't trust much that comes out of his mouth. this is going to be interesting.
What the fuck is wrong with people seriously...