(no subject)

Dec 13, 2004 11:31

psst. I suck for not updating sooner. I'm slow. and busy. it's the end of the semester, which equals finals, moving into the new place, starting my new full time job...busy girl.

I'm also pretty sick. I had my flu shot on Friday and after it was done, the nurse said that a possible side effect could be feeling like I have the flu. well. I sure do. I have a fever, chills, aches, headache. I'm not sure if this is a side affect or if I was actually coming down with something even before I got the flu shot. I guess it doesn't really matter 'cause I still feel pretty crappy.

Things I need to get at Best Buy:
- surge protector
- A/V switch-y thing

I had John (the boyfriend/ex boyfriend/friend) come up to Boston this weekend. We bought a TV for my place and I made him carry it up and set it up. He's good for stuff like that. We had a nice time. Watched Spiderman 2 (for the second time...I'm a dork and really liked it), played XBox, ate wicked greasy pizza. SNL. He left kinda early the next morning, before the Patriots game, which he just HAD to go back to RI to watch it with his father. He left after watching me cry for like 60 minutes. I just really miss him and really love him. I probably won't see him again till New Years Eve, and now I'm wondering if it's not such a good idea to spend it with him. For whatever reason, he can't be with me right now. I keep on hoping he'll come to his senses and change his mind, but that hasn't happened yet.

But despite all this sickness and heartache, I'm in quite good spirits. It's surprising. I feel pretty positive, so I'm hoping that I didn't just jinx my happiness by saying that. :)

I'm also wondering if I should go to NYC this Friday and see Rachael Yamagata. I have the night off. We shall see.
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