[OOC: In which her player remembers that recap posts are a Good Thing and she should really make one once in a while.]
This has been a very strange week even for Fandom. For one, the hair on the back of my neck stands up every time I leave campus. I'm staying as close to school as I can.
To start off with something not entirely unhappy, I
went to the spa with Veronica, Lilly Kane, Phoebe, this girl Mac and Parker on Sunday. It was very nice, mostly.
My hair is now black. I'm still trying to decide how I feel about it. I talked to
a lot of people at this party Angel had Sunday and most people seem to think it looks okay. But I'm still not used to seeing the dark hair in the mirror. Now I know how my mom felt when I came home with the red.
Also, I adore
Blair Sandburg, even if he does make me feel very very tired half the time.
Went into Special Collections with Parker Monday. I'm still not sure how to take what we found out about A.; I'm scared and confused and, in a weird way, awed. Selfishly, I almost wish R. hadn't told me what she told me. Life is much easier with closed eyes sometimes.
Speaking of things I wish I didn't know, some asshole
stole Parker's bunny. She had to
sing at Caritas and
wear sweats for a day as "ransom."
People are, like, physically incapable of just leaving each other alone. It's a disease. And an annoying one. Free the bunny.
It's amazing that the Esme thing bothers me more than
people I know -- friends -- getting shot at in town, but it does.
Watched TV with M. for a while last night. It was weird. And awkward. You know, for a change. He told me squid lady was fucking with his head the night we were at Caritas.
See above about people's inability to just leave each other alone. Though I guess that also applies to why I keep talking to M. But honestly, the idea of Drusilla being able to bother him ... that scares me most of all. Like, breath-stopping scared. She's crazy and dangerous and if I had a Super Soaker of holy water I'd kill her myself, without thinking. Without even blinking.
It scares me that I have that inside me.
On a random and almost happy note, I
made an Angel puppet yesterday. Should give it to him if I run into him this afternoon. Or maybe it could be a mascot for the TA lounge.