Feb 06, 2012 19:56
Gah. I hate writing papers. They are USELESS!!!!!!! to life. Honestly. I'd rather be in Creative writing. That'd probably be at least slightly more interesting, seeing as i'd be writing CREATIVE bologna. Sigh. Who has opinions anymore? Geez. At least the types of opinions that need at least 3 pages to explain. Reid is better because he's hot, he's dorky, and he's just all around better. What other explanation do you need? Geez. Useless I say. Hmm, what else?
Ah, since no one I know reads these (and why would they, there's absolutely nothing interesting besides the blaze insanity) I can rant about the craziness that was the preggoscare. And it twas a true scare, because now she is on her period and happily not preggers. Yay. Which, honestly, it's pretty amazing in itself because well, unprotected sex on ovulation days would usually equal pregnancy. Looks like someone's soldiers aren't marching! Haha. Which in this case, I suppose is a good thing.
And now I'm pretty much just putting off this stupid paper, so teehee. Writing this probably isn't a good idea, because this is going to kill all brain power. But maybe it's good because maybe now I'l concentrate on writing the stupidity that is stupid in the form of an essay. Ugh. Someone shoot me, please? Be kind. Oh and I still have math to do too. But that's easy. Dividing polynomials. Who can't do that? That was taught in like 8th grade, wasn't it? Sigh.
Actually, I kind of want to get back into writing. Maybe after I finish this stupid paper. Or when there are no important classes, so maybe Wednesday night, I'll go down to the lobby and type like I'm a woman possessed and see what I turn up. Doesn't really matter how much time I spend writing because there are no important classes I'd be going to...just math and lab, and those aren't til 12, but there's worship and I don't think I can miss anymore. Oh hey, there's worship this week too. I'll tomorrow and Wed that way I can have double and WALA~! extra credit. But the whole worship thing is annoying. Well, the forced worship thing anyway.
Anyway, I should get back to this stupid paper before I start falling asleep from the brain emptiness. So! Onto thee English...please kill me now YAY! =|
english is useless