
Jun 02, 2005 19:05

so yeah. I've been back in Irvine for a week or so now, and its been alright i guess. Its been nice to see my family and going out with Lauren has been really fun. It feels wierd to be back here though. Im not sure why, but something just feels off. Oh well. Havent gone to all the places that ive wanted to hit up, but I guess all that stuff will have to wait for another trip. There are a few people that i totally wouldn't mind just running into, but then there are several people who i absolutely do not want to see. I mean, there's like a bajillion to 1 chance of me seeing them, but still, my luck tends to work that way, so i'm keeping my fingers crossed that i'll escape this trip without running into said people.

Oh, and let me just say that the spectrum is so rediculously huge now. There are so many stores its insane. I remember when it was JUST the movie theater and the foodcourt. Then they opened the Blockbuster Music, which was actually pretty cool, and the first "block" of stores. Now its out of control. seriously.

and since when did it get so cold in southern california?? im freeeeeezing here. I can't leave the house without a hoodie or sweater. i dont remember ever having to do that. maybe i'm just acclimated to the hellishly hot florida weather. i dunno. whatever is is, its lame.

i leave for chicago in a little over a week, to spend a bit with the grandparents. it'll be ok i guess, but not great. I guess i do owe them a visit though. oh well. Theres still a ton of stuff i'd like to do while i'm here, but since lauren is super busy, and i dont talk to any of my 'old' friends, i guess im screwed. ok, i'd better go before my brain rots from boredom.
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