
Dec 13, 2009 08:50

OK, first things first, I'm delighted that Texas made it to the championship - especially as I foresaw them losing on three separate occasions. And while I was wrong, each time, I was close at least twice: A&M and Nebraska. The third was Oklahoma State.

However, they are going to get destroyed by Alabama.

However, however, there is hope yet. People forget that Alabama had its own close scare - with Tennessee - that came down to a last second play/miracle. Had Texas' own come in the middle of the season, instead of the end, people would be talking differently about it all.

So if the Tennessee Bama shows up, TX has hope. If the Florida Bama shows up, TX is toast. Although, because everyone is talking as though it's already a done deal, maybe Bama will be surprised. After all, everyone said USC was going to crush Texas, and look what happened.

I can dream.

Also, I think TCU and Boise should have been in different bowls, instead of playing each other. I know people say, well, if we are truly respecting them as two of the best teams, why would we not want to see the matchup? To this I say, well, sorry, but all things here are not equal. We are talking about perceptions not only of this season, but of the next, and beyond, and of two football programs, and two conferences. If they both clobbered BCS teams, I think it'd make more of a statement than if they clobber each other.

Especially as we already saw this exact same matchup. Last year. (TCU won, FYI).

And on to the Heisman. OK, well, first off, NO ONE deserved it this year. That's right - they should have just taken a year off. But, if anyone did, it was probably Suh - and he came in fourth.

Ingram did not deserve it (like I said, no one did), because any decent player in that slot on that team would have put up similar numbers, IMHO. But if you're going to give it to a non-deserving party, which they all are, I guess it doesn't hurt to give it to him. Except of course it would have been more meaningful giving it to Suh, a defensive player.

Interesting to note, though, that this was a VERY close Heisman race. Closest EVER. And so, though McCoy came in third, it was most decidedly NOT a distant third. Such that, if either McCoy had done better against Nebraska (and Suh), or had his one awful game come earlier in the season, instead of the last one before the vote, McCoy would most definitely had won. Which I'm sure McCoy himself knows.

But I'm sure he also knows that winners of the Heisman as often as not end up being awful players in the NFL and don't amount to much. So maybe he's counting his blessing.

It's a lot like coming in second in American Idol, I guess? Except you're more likely to pull a groin....
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