
Jul 11, 1984 16:00

I love food and when I was creating my account, 叉烧包 popped into my mind.  The battling rain on the window, made the image of a steaming 叉烧包 most attractive.  Hence this was created.

Ever since then, I have always wondered why I did this and how I could have done it better.  I guess till now I have yet to figure it out properly.

So I will continue to blabble, to ramble, to whine, and perhaps, to increasingly reflect *I hope*.

I have been tagged as having an extroverted personality, although, there is definitely a big part of me that screams introvertedness.  I do not like to reveal much of myself to people that I do not know, but once you become my friend, you basically stay my friend for life.

Thus, be warned before you add me as a friend.

Also, I am not adding anyone that I have not "communicated" with before.  If I know you, please message me first.

In my opinions, only my friends would understand and appreciate me as me.

Most of the posts here are locked.  I am not doing this as a exhibitionist, but simply as a way to do what I want to do, say what I want to say,  and be my crazy non-sensical self, without getting prejudiced looks and comments.

And I believe, only true friends can understand my ramblings, my whining, my non-sense and my ridiculousness.

In short, this journal is very self-centered.  It is all about me, myself, my shadow and I.  Nothing else.  If you expect to find sizzling stuff here, then be prepared to be disappointed.

This is just about ME.


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