Jul 12, 2005 23:18
To be completely honest, I have faced an intense test of my faith in the area of finances these past few months. As many of us know, being in college tends to leave you short on savings and even shorter on time to make money. I had followed His leading to take a job again at my camp, which isn't exactly the highest paying job. But nonetheless, I felt Him calling me to be there to watch and pray and encourage, even if I was in housekeeping and not a program staff (like I really wanted to be.) Hours were getting cut and my budget kept coming up short no matter how much I worked it.
A lot of my struggle this summer has been a heart issue. Although I knew in my heart that God is faithful and that He has a plan, I still struggled against what I saw right before me. I tried to guard my heart and watch what came out of my mouth, but sometimes I allowed bitterness and a defeated attitude escape from me.
But all along (and even still) God sent me reminders that He was taking care of everything.
Example 1: My incredible parents.
Mom and Dad realized that I was struggling (partly because they heard it from me, and partly because God revealed some things to them and worked out a lot of areas in their finance.) Over the span of a mere 2 or 3 weeks, they were able to completely free me from the amount that I usually pay toward tuition each year. I didn't even ask them for this, but they did it anyhow! Now I am able to do the things I want to do without having to worry about making ends meet. I paid for my mission trip (we leave Saturday!) and I have more than enough to carry me through the school year and to cover things like gas and even a Christmas present fund.
Example 2: The stolen camera
About a month and a half ago, my camera was stolen when I was out with Coty and his family at a restaraunt. Long story short...it never turned up. But my parents (yet again) insist on blessing me and are replacing my camera with one at least as nice (if not nicer) as my last one. Soon enough, I will have a camera again! And here I was accepting the fact that it was ultimately my fault it was stolen and I had no money to replace it. I was planning on doing withou a camera for a while. But now...it's become something above and beyond what I have expected.
Example 3: Scholarships!
Though I am still jumping through a lot of hoops, my financial aid package is well under way for the upcoming semester and I will end up with about half of my school bill paid for! I know I shared this in an earlier entry, but I am still astounded at how faithful God has been to pour out His blessing up on me.
Although I was not able to tithe like I wanted to this year (due to a lack of steady income), I did sow my time and what money I could into things that God laid on my heart. And He has multiplied it back to me in ways I never would have imagined.
I don't have it all together, friends. But I know, burning within my heart, that God is all around me. Although I still very much struggle with a lot of things, He constantly calls out to me and shows me His beauty, His love, His faithfulness...It brings a whole new meaning to the song that says "Let my life be like a love song to Your heart..." (or something like that). Not only do I sing this song to Him, but He makes into something even more beautiful than I could ever offer on my own.
Every blessing pours out I'll turn back to praise.
Amen and amen