I can't believe Dumbledore actually suggested a "Gender Appreciation" Ball...
But then again, I"ve always liked him because he always had a sense of humor, but does it really have to be mandatory? I mean I don't mind wearing a suit and whatnot, I've always been a bit of tomboy if you haven't noticed. But to dance around in one as well, in front of people... That's very different than playing Quiidtich in front of hundreds of people. *sighs* But if he says it's madatory for all staff memebers, then I guess I have no choice but to dress up or not go. I have to go, so I can see what emsembles everyone else has cooked up. Get laughed at, laugh with, I guess that's the principal of it all. Guess I could ask around for a suit, I doubt that Snape has one. *laughs* I wouldn't dare ask him though. I don't want my pumpkin juice poisoned. *laughs then shudders* Guess I'll go buy one.
Sorry for all those who missed me at the feast, I was tied up. Last night I was so busy organizing my room and dealing with Peeves who seemes to think I'm still a student. I really wish Dumbledore would just cast him out, he's more trouble than he's worth flying around here raising hell. He spilled ink all over my schedule for the week. Now I have to go ask Dumbledore or Madame Hooch for another one. I think I'll ask Dumbledore, no matter how cool Madame Hooch is, she is strict as well. He also tore one of my chemises, it was my favorite one. So I turned all the spilled ink into a ball and said, "Facio firmus!" and flung it at Peeves. He cursed and howled and all that, but I'm just glad he isn't in my quarters anymore. I repaired my chemise so it's still looking new. I also had to refold all my clothes and put everything back in its place.
I think I'm going to go into Muggle London to find me and suit or tuxedo on my lunch break or whenever I get a free period. It won't be so bad I guess. Oh well, I'm going to go get ready to meet Madame Hooch on the Quidditch pitch to dicuss more in deepth what were going to do with the first years. Later!