Oct 04, 2004 23:15
........after a weekend spent on the clouds. I spent most of the weekend with Seamus and it was wonderful. I love spending time with him. He's sweet and funny and makes me laugh and makes me feel safe and special and beautiful and I just adore him.
We went to Hogsmeade which was wonderful as it got me off the castle grounds and just say in the Three Broomsticks and watched people and talked and had a good time. I'm so happy I have him around.
Ron's still being Ron, Luna's still worrying, Neville reappeared so at least that's good and Harry's great. Talked to him this evening after spending a day mucking through the evilness that is classes and schoolwork and not having nearly enough time to spend with friends or anyone. But I hadn't talked to him in almost a week so I saw him and I took a break.
Harry, mate, I wasn't sure you had it in you. I'm impressed. And trust me, I'll let you know when it does.
Colin gave me a stack of photograph's today, ones that he took of me and Morgana in the Common Room a week or two ago. She is the cutest kitty in the world. If anyone wants to see a true ham, let me know because she is just loving all the attention in these pictures! I sent Mum one and she sent an owl back stating that Morgana has the most personality that she has ever seen in a cat and there is no doubt that she should be mine. I think I'll take that as a compliment, though I'm not sure that's how it was meant.
Well, talking to Harry interrupted working on a Transfiguration essay so I really must go finish. I will be back later I'm sure and Seamus, if I finish at any point decent, I'll sneak up. Miss you already.