Loyalty in the Face of Change Ch. 5

Mar 01, 2010 10:20

Title: Loyalty in the Face of Change
Chapter: Five: Need
Author: chasepoke
Characters: Characters in Heroes, but mostly Luke and Gabriel/Sylar
Spoilers: Season 1 and beyond
Rating: R - NC-17
Warnings: Eventual violence and sex. Also, masturbation in this chapter.
Summary: AU-ish. Luke and Gabriel attend the same High School back in the early 90's (which I'm guessing is when canon!Gabriel went to High School). The story follows their relationship throughout the years. I suppose the story will end when the series does. Wow, this summary sucks. Oh well, just read it.

Luke sat on his bed, wondering what sort of trouble he could stir up with Gabriel. Yet, he couldn’t concentrate. All he could think about was teasing Gabriel earlier. How Gabriel’s face had heated up when Luke rested his hand on his knee. How absolutely fucking gorgeous Gabriel looks whenever he gets nervous. How he unintentionally draws attention to his lips whenever he catches his bottom lip in his teeth, tempting Luke to claim those lips as his own. Luke felt heat rushing toward his groin and he whimpered. He popped the button to his jeans to relieve the pressure. It proved not to be enough and he unzipped his pants, wriggling a bit and sighing as his movement caused his Levis to slip down his hips. He groaned, rubbing himself through the thin cloth of his boxers. He felt a shiver travel through his body as he fully hardened. He raised his hips and pushed his underwear down. Settling back again, he grabbed his stiffened cock. He closed his eyes and imagined it was Gabriel’s hand grasping his shaft so firmly. He moaned as his imaginary Gabriel began to stroke him, running his thumb over Luke’s slit. He bit his lip as he quickened his pace, picturing Gabriel touching himself now. He let his free hand run down his chest, tweaking his nipples, pretending that it was Gabriel doing it. He let out a sound that was half a moan, half Gabriel’s name and leaned forward slightly so he could rub his inner thighs, pleasure streaking down his spine. He envisioned Gabriel rubbing their members together and moaning Luke’s name. Luke squeezed and twisted his fist as he stroked himself, grunting and panting. He felt his stomach tighten and he called out Gabriel’s name as his back arched and he came, spilling his seed on his stomach and hand.

He ditched school the next day, wanting to spend the day planning just how to break Gabriel into the world of crime. He racked his brain for something he could do with Gabriel without his friend freaking out too badly. He guessed that vandalism would be the best start, so he picked pockets until he got enough money to buy supplies.

He had to go to several different stores in order to keep from raising suspicion. Once he gathered all of his supplies, he headed back to his house to stash it under the bed. Afterwards, he headed for school, as it was near lunchtime.

He took his time walking to school, not wanting to get there before lunch started. When he reached school, he snuck over the fence and darted across the campus, headed for the lunchroom. Entering the cafeteria, he scanned for Gabriel and spotted him near the back door. He strode over to the other boy, “Hey, Gabe,” Gabriel looked up, surprised,

“Oh. I thought you were sick today, or something,” he said. Luke shook his head,

“Nah. I just ditched.” Gabriel looked appalled, “What, are you surprised?”

“A little. Though I guess I shouldn’t be by now, though, huh?” Luke smiled and shook his head,

“Nope.” Gabriel’s expression turned serious,

“I’m not going to ditch…” Luke chuckled,

“Don’t worry. I told you that I wasn’t gonna let you get in trouble. That still stands and ditching would probably get you in trouble.”

“Okay,” Gabriel said. Luke grinned and ruffled his friend’s hair. Gabriel gave Luke his best attempt at a glare, but couldn’t help but smile as he smoothed his hair back in place. Luke straddled the bench, facing Gabriel,

“I came here because I had to… pick something up in the attendance office and I decided to drop by the cafeteria to tell you that I have everything planned and that there’s no way in hell you’re getting out of this now.” Gabriel rolled his eyes,

“Great.” Luke snickered,

“Don’t worry, you’ll have lots of fun. I swear.” Gabriel sighed,

“If you say so,” he took a bite from his sandwich. Luke’s stomach growled and he realized he hadn’t eaten for a day and half. His mother had been excluded from some community potluck, and of course, Luke had been blamed. As a result, his mom refused to go shopping and opted to instead eat out all the time, leaving Luke to fend for himself. Gabriel heard Luke’s stomach, “Hungry?” he asked. Luke looked down at his hands,

“No.” Luke felt fingers quickly card through his hair and had to suppress a noise of pleasure as a shiver ran down his spine.

“Why are you lying? I can hear your stomach.” Gabriel said softly, “What’s the matter, Luke?” Luke wrung his hands,

“Gabriel… I’m fine.”

“Here,” Gabriel said and tried to get Luke to take the rest of his sandwich.

“Gabriel, I don’t-”

“Luke. C’mon. I’m not even that hungry.” Luke didn’t want charity. It was even worse than pity. However, Gabriel refused to stop offering until Luke took the sandwich. Luke hungrily devoured the food, trying not to look Gabriel in the eyes as he did so. “Now, will you tell me what the matter is?” Luke took a deep breath and told Gabriel about his mother’s latest tantrum. “Oh, Luke. I’m so sorry.” Even though Luke still wasn’t looking Gabriel, he knew if he were, he’d see pity on the other boy’s face.

“Don’t pity me,” he snarled. He heard Gabriel exhale loudly,

“I’m sorry, Luke. I can’t help it.” Well, at least he’s honest. “Is there anything I can do?” Luke shook his head,

“Just forget it.” Luke felt Gabriel’s fingers tapping at the bottom of his chin,

“Look at me,” he said quietly. Luke looked up reluctantly, “Luke, I’m your friend. I want you to be happy. I’m not going to forget it. I want to be here for you. Understand?” Luke nodded. “Now, is there anything I can do?”

“Just keep sticking around,” he said. Gabriel smiled and Luke’s stomach suddenly felt real fluttery. He wanted to kiss Gabriel very badly, but the lunchroom was crowded with judgmental students. He had to say something. He couldn’t keep this up anymore,
“Gabriel, I-” The bell rang out and Luke groaned, “Never mind.”

masturbation, slash, luke, gabriel

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