stolen from xxhistrionicxx

Aug 13, 2004 16:22

The Ultimate Politics Survey
Describe your stance on:
Abortion: Don't personally approve of it because there are plenty of people willing to adopt. I think it is important to respect life whenever possible. However, I would never try to legislate what someone else does with their own body. Glad I don't have a uterus.
Affirmative Action: Don't need it anymore. Has anyone been on university campus lately?
Age of Consent: 16
Animal Testing: Only on important shit. We don't need to blind bunnies to find out that it isn't good to spray hairspray directly into your eyes.
Death Penalty: Don't believe in it. See above argument against abortion. Plus after their 20th appeal, it is more expensive to put someone to death than to just lock them up forever.
Downloading Music/Movies: As a habit, I don't do it, unless it is something that is hard to find elsewhere.
Drug Decriminalization: Though I don't smoke marajuana or shroomes, I think it should be legal. It is safer than alcohol. Think of the money we would save with this ridiculous war on drugs. However, I don't want speed freaks and junkies out on the street stealing shit to pay for their habit.
Factory Farming: Not sure what is so controversial about this.
Free Trade: No, I think trade needs to be highly regulated so that it benefits the entire Country
Funding of Arts: Absolutely. Even the "obscene stuff."
Gay Marriage: I want to get married someday. I am a member and volunteer with HRC
Gun Control: I don't think the average citizen needs a gun. Your much more likely to injure yourself or commit a crime with it than you are to protect yourself from a crime.
Immigration: We need to enforce our borders and do interior enforcement. California spent over 5 billion dollars on illegal benefits and other costs related to illegal aliens. Hospitals are shutting down in record numbers because they are forced to service illegal aliens without getting paid. Nothing racial about this view. It is just a financial fact.
Hardcore Pornography: I like it. Protected under the constitution.
Human Cloning: I don't see a problem with it. Don't know why we would want to do it except to prove that we can.
Miltary Draft: Very much against it. I would be joining xxhistrionicxx on his trip to Canada. Wait, I just said I don't support illegal immigration.
Minimum Wage: We need to raise it. Anyone working a 40 hour a week job should be able to afford housing and grocery
Prostitution: It should be legal, but I don't think it is good for anyones soul
School Vouchers: All for it. Our public schools suck.
Taxes: Too much of our tax money is wasted on stupid shit. We need to cut some of these useless and redundant programs. Too much of my money goes to taxes.
United Nations: Necessary evil.
Universal Health Care: I completely support that idea as long as someone is working and a citizen, they deserve a certain measure of health coverage.
War on Terrorism: Overrated.
Welfare: It needs major reforms but generally a good idea. However, I don't want to pay for 8 crack babies and an unwed mother. We need to make it less appealing of an option for people. When generation after generation abuses the welfare system, I think it is a problem.
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