Welcome to Round One, Challenge Nine!
Your challenge this week:
+ Make one icon of any subject
+ It can be from any television show, movie, any genre
+ Your icon must feature a geometric shape in the icon. This can be done through textures, brushes, blocking where ever your creativity takes you.
+ You may mix/blend images and all resources are allowed.
+ Icons must meet LJ standards: 100x100 or less, 40KB or less.
+ Remember the overall round theme of emotion when making your icon. This can be captured in various ways, through your
crop or coloring.
messdestruction + Deadline: Saturday, 18 August at 12:00pm/NOON (EST)
+ The special category this week is Best Emotional Icon. You may want to consider it while making your icon, but it
is not required. It is only if you want to try for the points in the special category.
Submit your icons in a comment to this post. Comments are screened.