That meme thing, sucked in by drcampbell

Feb 26, 2009 13:33

THE RULES ARE: Comment to this post and I will give you 5 subjects/things I associate you with. Then post this in your LJ and elaborate on the subjects given.

From Lachlan [drcampbell] -

1) Australia: I'm an Aussie through and through. I was born and raised there, only moving to America when I was 25 for a job at Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital. It will always be my home, and yeah, I still have the accent but I don't say "G'day".

2) Drunk Karaoke: I have a very long history of getting up to questionable things when I'm drunk. For some reason, my drunken brain often decides I am Freddie Mercury, Mick Jagger, Celine Dion, Aretha Franklin, Bono, Robbie Williams, Michael Jackson, Phil Collins... etc. etc. Drunk Karaoke is often associated with the unfortunate phenomenons of Undieus on Headus or Penis Arrestus.

3) Surgery: I've currently stumbled my way into a new medical specialty of Surgery. I do enjoy it, even though the hours are long and tiring sometimes. I miss Diagnostics but don't find myself yearning for Intensive Care as much as I used to because I utilise the Intensivist skills a lot in surgery anyway. It's a good job, I'm head of my team so I really have nothing to complain about.

4) Fosters: An Aussie beer that is well-known in America and overseas. Funny thing is, it isn't particular popular in Australia these days with people more preferring the likes of VB, Crown Lager or Tooheys. Fond memories with El Kilted One because I forced him to drink a Fosters the first night we met and we both ended up getting pissed off our faces on it, even if it's not my beer of choice. I know it was a good night... I just can't remember it.

5) Lifesaver: This could take so many meanings for me. One, I'm a doctor, so saving lives generally goes without saying. Two, I used to be a lifeguard in high school for some extra money to fund my active social life and lifesaver is another name for that. But third, and I know the one Lachlan was referring to, was because I saved his life. He was clinically dead for approximately five minutes and I was heading the resus to bring him back via defib. It's a night I'll never forget. I don't know what I would have done if my best mate died under my hands. Luckily, I never had to experience that.

[entry] meme

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