May 01, 2012 00:33
This short story has a rather sick and very interesting twist about the deliverance of news of a death to a wife. The author, Kate Chopin, actually creates this short story with two major twists and takes the reader off guard. The first twist to grasp the reader’s attention is when the wife finds out that her husband has passed she starts crying, but her tears are tears of joy. She starts to express herself saying “Free” over and over again now that her husband is dead. The wife starts to think about how amazing her life is going to be now that her husband is gone and she can barely even fathom it. The fact that this wife is excited that her husband is dead makes the reader shocked at this irony. The author though has not yet had all of her fun and decides to through in another ironic twist. Towards the end of the story the husband walks back in totally alive, well, and unaware of what was going on. This makes the wife drop dead with a final conclusion of an ironic twist to end the story. The author does this to express the chains women during the late 1800’s felt that men had on them and how desperately the wished to be free. She even expresses it to the point that if a women were to taste this freedom for a while but then to have it stripped away from her, she would die of pure devastation.