Title: The Hart Break
Chapter 8
Author: ChaseII
Story Rating: PG-13(?) (minor language)
Story is AU
Disclaimer: The OC Universe, with all its assorted characters, belongs to Josh Schwartz, et. al. No copyright or trademark infringement is intended, nor is any money being made.
(Note: The Harts belong to me.)
A/N: Many thanks to Beachtree, ever a
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I just think of Sandy's multiple jobs and career changes during those first 9 months that Ryan was with them. It seemed as if he was primed to be rethinking his choices, all of his relationships and their dynamics- including those with his closest family- and questioned them all and found them lacking. Ryan was someone who caused people to look both around them and within (which didn't endear him to most) and take some assessments.
The way that Sandy would occasionally confide in Ryan early on seemed less about connecting with the poor, confused, kid floundering in a new and alien environment and more about Sandy- not that it wasn't some of both.
I never wanted to make light of the "pound puppy" analogy fitting, but I think it really did. It persisted, too... sadly. But a puppy, like a person, is not inanimate and it requires and deserves positive attention, reinforcement, guidance, care, nurturing and love. So often, Ryan was like one of those puppies someone clamors for, but no one wants to spend time with unless it's convenient, mandated or unavoidable. It's all on the "people's" terms, not the "puppy's."
As much as I applaud Sandy, truly, for making the particular choice to reach out to Ryan, his determination wavered from the beginning with his first obligation and loyalty going to his family. After putting himself in a particular role as guardian, he didn't live up to the title in practice, and Ryan was looking to him as the go-to guy. In that way, Sandy may have done the most for Ryan- and promised the most- but I also think he failed him just as much, even if Ryan would never truly admit it. Ryan would have had zero expectations in re: to Kirsten. Tolerance alone would have been huge. With Seth, the burden was on Ryan to be the keeper/entertainer/friend-on-call. Sandy seemed to be willing to be Ryan's advocate and take an active role, but he either quickly tired, or switched gears to another aspect of his life in change once he'd made the "grand gesture."
That's an oversimplification and it's filled with generalizations, but there's a lot of truth in the lack of follow through and hands on involvement that left Ryan very much to his own devices. I'm guessing the Harts are beginning to arrive at some of those realizations in terms of liking Sandy the most and being most grateful for his bond with Ryan, but having so many questions and lingering doubts and misgivings as well.
Sorry for the hijack, chase. The fingers started typing!
Poor pound puppy... Sandy may have had the best of intentions, but zero attention span and sense of commitment. He wavered so quickly after the "muffin scene" with Julie in that very first arc. If only he'd taken just a little of responsibility and gone beyond making the statement. Ryan wasn't a prototype concept version who was "in development" when Sandy had the inclination to acknowledge him.
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