Feb 07, 2005 20:21
Ok so I talked it over with T.j., I guess it's all good now but just as I read his responses I was to snap again. It’s a good thing I thought about it for a minute and cooled down. I have so much going on in my life right now, most of it not good, but it's my problems so I don't want to bother any one with them, the only real things that I want to talk about right now are the facts that I did not fail French, (yea), my birthday is on Saturday (another yea) and the fact that I have my own personal valentine (third and final yea)
I am willing to give T.j. the benefit of dough and believe him when he said that he is innocent of the accusations I accused him of. " Sorry for jumping the gun" so to speak.
I keep telling people NOT to get me any thing for my birthday lets hope you all listen when I say that I have every thing I want and need so please don't get me any thing. (I would feel guilty). The only reason I mention my birthday is the fact that I find the # 14 to be really dreary. Plus did you know that in Asia the # 4 and all #'s related to #4 is considered bad luck, so it would nice to turn 15 already, any way I am board I am going to go.