a wider line

Jul 08, 2006 08:31

July7th 2006

My "boss" was speaking of her boyfriend
who is part arabic in his heritage
she said she calls him names
like "towel head" and "sand nigger"
this was not offensive to me.
There was a witness, as like yesterday it was a "pot washer"
meaning they are members of the house I work for.
To be fair I told a brief tale of
how I jokingly call me roommate a "stupid Jew"
However before I did so I explained that it was just do
to his large nose and nazi history.
The witness said she was jewish and I apologized to here.
she understood the joke in context.
I will say that my "boss" cooks for mostly black students.

On a lighter note I saw John Waters tonight......
I lurve him
that is all
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