it seems as if all i do is post pictures lately. everytime i come to this journal thing, i have so much to say, and when it comes time to writing it down, i just cant do it. which is strange considering i was a journalist. so instead, i end up posting pictures for the mere amusement of others.
im getting old... i can see it in my face. i lost the weight i wanted to lose, but i gained half of it back. its hard to go to the gym when i dont have a drivers license anymore.
i think the officer is calling it quits with me, without ever saying he quits. i hate when that happens. there is nothing worse then being left in the dark.
i've been listening to the song "build you up" by nelly furtado (thanx to joshua wallace) and the song gets to me. i mentioned it in one of my recent entries. it talks about how people just build you up to tear you apart. and i feel thats what is happening. im being taken to the highest point, and then being dropped without anything to catch my fall. Im probably one of the most caring people out there, even though at times i may not come off like i am, and i hate when people take advantage of that. im sure you all know the feeling.
i find myself getting annoyed rather easily these days. too many people act like they are 4 years old and have no common sense and need an explanation for everything. maybe im so annoyed because im realizing that the real are in actuality not real at all. and i end up lost here in my own world.... my world of fiction, my world of made up events in my head. i built a world for me that is beyond amazing, and before i even had the opportunity to make it come to life parts of it were ripped to shreds. The only thing i prayed for and recieved and still have, is my cosmo license and my job. for those am i forever greatful. things are looking up. im the happiest i have been in a long time and i need to keep that in mind. i can still imagine my perfect life, and one day i'll get there. until then... who cares about my downfalls... its my ups that matter, its my ups that will matter.... its my up, that will matter....