A/N: If you haven’t read one of the other versions of Contact this might not make much sense. This is the third version of the ending which was supposed to be posted with the other two. It wouldn’t cooperate.
This one is closest to how I think it would go down. Because I set the Contact verse a few months after the movie, Ithink Brian and Dom
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it goes something like this, he is going to try to do the same thing they did with Tran, deflect attention from Dom by finding another mark. In this case he would see if he could get Dom to give up the person fencing the merchandise. In the film they established that Dom and crew were doing the heists, but didn't say, at least I don't remember, what happened to the merchandise. It wasn't in Tran's garage. So if Dom gives that person up, and they get him, Brian wants to use that as some kind of leverage to either get Dom a lighter sentence or no sentence. It might even turn out that although Tran wasn't guilty of the heists, his father actually was. And that would introduce a revenge subplot. Brian has enough arrogance, enough of his cool back to think that he can keep Dom and his career.
There would of course be an angry wrenching confrontation when Dom realizes what he's doing.
Thanks for reading and letting me know what you thought. Even if you aren't sure how you feel about it.
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