Shelly Award season continues

Dec 07, 2005 13:20

Yup, you got it -- the Shelly Award nominations are in, and it's now time to go vote! Voting is open for the month of December.

In other news, I got a new computer. I probably shouldn't have, but I did and there's no going back now ;) Mr. Big (as he has been appropriately dubbed) is a wonder...a marvel...a vidding monster. Falls a bit short of the NLE workstations I was looking at, but is such an improvement over the laptop that it hardly matters. *sighs with lurve*

So, because of Big, I'm not sleeping much and I am, of course, vidding. Must vid on new computer, health and housework be damned. And somehow, this is another Farscape vid, even though I was TOTALLY planning to vid something else. COMPLETELY. I have many other ideas. I am a teeming pool of creativity in which notions of vids for many different shows and movies which are not!Farscape froth around and are completely viable, only to be pre-empted by Another Angsty Farscape Vid...*hee* Though this one is not all death and despair. I think I maxed out on that with the last one (for now).
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