Save a copy -- pass it on

Sep 03, 2007 00:17

You know why I save project copies several times per day when I'm vidding? Because you just never know. Sometimes there's a random power flash when you have unsaved changes on the timeline and when you reboot and open up Premiere again, it will tell you your project file is corrupt (has happened) and then sometimes your cat, curled up under the desk in his usual spot, will lean on the power strip just a leeeeetle bit too hard and turn off your computer (happened several minutes ago). He didn't mean to do wrong, Mom. He's just a kitten who apparently enjoys the cozy warmth of a power strip and feels it is worth the risk of being electrocuted (hey, look -- he doesn't try to chew the power cords like he did when he was a tiny man, so I'm happy).

But it's cool. I was checking my mail and didn't have any unsaved changes when the power flashed, so Premiere didn't have a fit and decide to treat the project file like it was oozy and diseased and ew! shall. not. open. STILL. During those anxious, cat-scolding moments, I was glad to have a project copy that was only a few hours old, with changes that I was pretty sure I could mostly remember. "Save a copy" is your friend.

Really, this whole post is just an excuse to say that it's been a practically perfect holiday weekend so far, and hold the phone! because there's still another day to enjoy. Happy, happy, happy. I've done as little around the house as I could get away with and vidded for long, fluid stretches of time. Taken the puppy for brisk, hilly walks. Snuggled naughty kittens. Took a nap. Called my grandma. Had the windows wide open and the air conditioning off for a solid day of mildness. Stayed up too late and slept in without an alarm. VIDDED. A WHOLE LOT, YAY!

I am not able to evaluate this vid very objectively as I work, or at least I'm not certain how much my objectivity is colored by overpowering squee for the source (Jekyll -- which I don't think I said before to avoid cursing it, though it was fairly transparent since I mentioned "new vid" and "OMGLOVEJEKYLL4EVA" in the same post). I mean, seriously -- I got weepy when I put a clip on the timeline last week, so emo has entered the building and I am not to be trusted. And I'm enjoying it.
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