(no subject)

Jul 04, 2007 19:26

About two weeks ago I posted about the possibility of adopting a senior ferret who had just recently lost his two cage mates to cancer. I am sad to report that, he too, has passed away. The sadder news however comes from the pet store where one of the older (3 months or so) ferrets has also passed. He was sent in for a autopsy/biopsy and we will be told the result once they know. All I know is that he started to have a seizure of some sort and that he had what could only be defined as a confused/frantic/scared look on his face (in his eyes)as he could not understand what was happening to him. He would not let any of the humans touch him, lashing out and biting at hands. His 'brother' tried to 'hold' him down and comfort him as the seizure went on, but I think he too was more than likely afraid of what was happening.
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