Updating My Life

Mar 19, 2010 14:58

As in, I am posting a journal entry in which I provide you updates about my life and, as in, I am attempting to update my life. I think.
Baseball season is just around the corner, which means that I made my annual trek down to Viera, FL (which, according to the US Postal Service, doesn't actually exist) for sun, baseball, and visit to Mark. Fun was had; sun, not so much...very windy this year; baseball definitely.
There are several Mrs. Baseball Players who are pregnant and I am jealous. We are certainly in no position to be bringing a child into this world, but I remain jealous nonetheless.
I am taking a "web writing" class this semester and it has turned out to be a "design your own website and stick an essay with some hyperlinks on one of the pages" class. Yawn. I actually managed to fail this class (yes, I managed to fail a class at NOVA...after graduating from GMU and getting straight As in grad school...don't ask, it's stupid) the first time I took it. This time, I decided not to overthink the process. If you visit my site, and you may: Click Me! you can see that I really didn't spend a whole lot of time thinking of what to put here. The one missing page is my essay page...and I'm working on that. I technically have until May 31 to finish this last page and take one more exam (scored 100% on the first two), so I'm not too worried. It's been kind of fun to be back playing in Dreamweaver, even it is for something kind of silly.
In the "ways I am updating my life" segment: I am eating at home more, ordering in food less, walking Tommy more, eating breakfast every day, and as a result of all this enjoying better blood sugar control. What this means is that I may not have to endure my above referenced jealousy for too many more years :-) Hooray.
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