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Apr 28, 2018 18:58

All roads led us everyway to Indian small village,
We saw the fancy houses, they had a wigwam's image.
"Hey, boy," - someone was saying. "Don't leave me far away!"
The Moon've predicted that my road will cross over your way.
I am the Lizard. And my role is swift evoke the rain.
I've been waiting 15 moons for... Truly did you came?
In order for the rain to fall I need to dance the dance,
The dance in pairs such as you. Let's dance with me at once.
The Moon have said: "The Boy will come to us from far afar
Evoke the rain by lizard's dance save from the drought soil air.
These movements after me repeat! It's simple - look at me:
First, lift your hands up and then jump up and count:"one, two, three"!
Then spin around little spin and say it out loud:
"Oh, heaven, heaven! Fall the rain on us from your heap cloud!"
And a miracle! The heat has passed, vanished without a trace,
The ice-cold water from the clouds was pouring at that place.
And with the rain along rainwater appeared the letter "L",
The boy has dared to keep forever this letter for himself.

#poetry, #interpretations, #poems, #translations

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