Posting That Information Himself

Jun 28, 2008 09:13

So whats everyone up to on the 4th of July?

Seeing as the work schedule is not letting me go to Lake Osooyoos this year, I figure we should do some sort of get together at my place. My house has a pretty nice view of the Bremerton harbor, so the fireworks there should be easy to see, and I wouldn't be opposed to having some launched off at our place either.

The plan is basically to have people over whenever they feel like it on the 4th, Shawn-willing we'll have a BBQ and I'll grab a box-o-hamburgers and a couple packages of hot-dogs or sausages and we'll grill and munch and whatnot to our hearts content.

If this sounds good to you guys, let me know. When I have a better idea of how many people we'll have I can plan better for how much food to get. And if anyone wants to bring food: potato salad, deserts, what have you; there would be no complaints.

Feedback is great, so let me know what you think!

****EDIT 6.29.08****
Just remembered: If anyone would like to bring fireworks of some kind I'm sure we could find a use for them. Not sure of the city regulations on lighting them, but having some on hand might be a fun idea.
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