Knight me with a label

Nov 04, 2007 15:39



Location: Michigan

Are you open to cross-gender votes?Yes

1. Please list three positive traits you possess and why you chose them. Open-minded, Punctual, Will give people the shirt off of my back.

2. Please list three negative traits you possess and why you chose them.Greedy, Selfish, Paranoid.

3. If you could do something illegal without any consequences whatsoever, would you do it and why or why not? I'd probably steal a bunch of expensive things, and yes I would do it.

4. If you were faced with a situation where you only had time to make a choice that allowed you to use your intelligence or strength to prevail, which would you choose and why?More than likely I'd use my intelligence.

5. What do you value above all else and why?Being truthful.

6. Would you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower and why? A follower because I'm not organized enough to be a leader, and I also can't stand bossing people around.

7. If you could choose to possess one trait or physical aspect, what would you pick and why?I would wish to be more outgoing.

8. Anything else you would like to add?Nope

9. Please include one picture of yourself, a doll, or a description of yourself.

evil henchman

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