Hello, people. Pleased to be here, etc.!
Name: Margaret, or Maggie
Age: Seventeen.
Location: Alaska.
Are you open to cross-gender votes? Yes.
1. Please list three positive traits you possess and why you chose them. Intelligence, flexibility, creativity. I choose these traits because they are some of three most basic aspects that my life is laid upon. I would be nowhere without intelligence. I think I value that in myself the most. Creativity is my form of spirituality, i.e. it keeps me sane. My inherent flexibility allows me to interact in many situations with many different kinds of people and still come out on top.
2. Please list three negative traits you possess and why you chose them. Hesitancy, manipulation, avoidance. Hesitancy is probably the foremost: I feel this is the two factor keeps me from doing what I need or want. It is also a major factor of what makes me unhappy (that and loneliness). Manipulation and avoidance are bad habits, really. I’m very introverted, so I tend to avoid people when I have problems. Sometimes this is good (for reflection), but mostly it is destructive, as my emotions become terribly repressed and bottled. Manipulation is something I do in much the same way others do: I act subtly and fiercely to get things I want, bending other people whatever way I can get away with. I usually only do it for something that I fervidly want. I’m a little decadent that way.
3. If you could do something illegal without any consequences whatsoever, would you do it and why or why not? If an action had no consequences it wouldn’t be illegal. Anyway, I don’t think I would do any illegal, even if I could, because being a law-abiding citizen is part of my personal deal with society-it is, for the most part, what holds society together and keeps us all safe from the dangerous aspects of human nature. However, if there were a particular law that I thought was intolerably immoral and stupid, say, legalized torture or some such, I would definitely break it if I had need. But things like murder and theft…well, as things stand, I have no real desire to do them.
4. If you were faced with a situation where you only had time to make a choice that allowed you to use your intelligence or strength to prevail, which would you choose and why? If we’re talking about physical strength, I would definitely choose intelligence, because my mental faculties are far quicker and more reliable than my physical body. I tend to be gentler and less pronounced in my physical life and fiercer and better practiced in my mental sphere. It’s not that I’m weak or sickly, per se, I am just more accustomed to solving problems (especially time-sensitive problems) using my brain. I’m not a terribly physical person.
5. What do you value above all else and why? I value balance above all else because I believe it is the key to progress and success. There are many human traits that are vital to satisfaction and accomplishment, but these cannot be properly taken advantage of without the proper balance.
6. Would you consider yourself to be more of a leader or a follower and why? I usually function as an observer in most situations, but where applicable, I am definitely a leader. I feel the need to take charge, not necessarily because of the love of power, but because when I see things that need to be improved or altered, I have a practical impulse to make the improvement myself. I am not comfortable or satisfied with being in a socially passive position; it frustrates and depresses me when I have no power to change what I think needs to be changed into order to make things better. I hate to see social groups malfunctioning. I am usually an introverted person, but deep down, I know that I want to make changes, and I will. People sometimes view it as “incongruous” with the rest of my personality, but I do not agree. I’m quiet and private, but not apathetic.
7. If you could choose to possess one trait or physical aspect, what would you pick and why? I would like to be able to control my temper completely. I always end up regretting being the bitch that I can be sometimes. It’s weird. It mostly just gets in the way of my other goals and projects. Physically, I’m happy with what I have.
8. Anything else you would like to add? Nope.
9. Please include one picture of yourself, a doll, or a description of yourself. I am 5’11”, thin but not weak. I have long, horribly double-jointed limbs. I’m really pale. My hair is blond and goes to the middle of my back, and my eyes are grey-blue. And…I guess it’d just be easier with photos.
I still look pretty much the same since these were taken.
Much thanks in advance for voting.