Sep 02, 2011 22:11
So, I know I post at teh ass crack of dawn and it's full of typos my sleep-addled brain doesn't catch (or else my drunk ass posted late in the night) and I end up having to edit out the next day. It's a desperate need to get through the story and I know it's an awful way to deal with a story. And I know I desperately need a beta to not only catch silly mistakes, but also to help with pacing issues and avoid info-dumps or say "hey, flesh this scene out" (because I had planned on more Sam n' Dean at the bar before Crowley walked in, and ended up glossing over that).
I'm hitting a point, though, where I also really need to bounce ideas off of someone before I get too far into the story and can't take back what I've established.
I don't know why I do this. I'm a shite writer, but I am incapable of writing a simple story. I sat down and quickly wrote down a motivation document, detailing why different characters were doing what, and I think I surpassed ten different characters with ten different motivations, not counting the main characters. Say what?
So, if anyone's interested [in being spoiled], please PM me. Either for regular beta'iing, or plot-brainstorming.
omg what am i doing?,
harbor lights 'verse