Apr 07, 2005 23:20
Sooo... Im a little upset... I went to update my resume for the job fair at work tomorrow and its gone... not on the computer at all! I remember spending HOURS working on that thing... I WAS PISSED I searched everywhere. not there not anywhere. I sucked it up and started over. It wasn't so bad. Could have been better I suppose. But eh.. Its done and redone. I had to work on it anyways... up date it a little. not like life stays the same. SO thats about it. Went to the grand opening of Kohls... didn't realize that everyone was making a big deal about it. I just thought the grand opening was last week anyways. They had great sales though so I got 2 shirts So I have one nice one for the job thingy tomorrow. I don't want to get my hopes up and but I do want something in the hotel. That would be nice.. workin in a hotel... yeah baby. To bad it isn't like the Waldorf historia or something intersting like that. Nope just crappy Seneca Niagara... But something has to be better than what Im doing. I really want a photography job but thats few and far between. I can hope though right? So that was my day... fun wow. ok. Later gator!!!