Австралиец написал самый популярный комментарий к огромной
статье в Дейли Мейл об ужасах Алеппо, обвиняющей в этих бедах Ассада и Путина.
"Ассад и Путин пытаются взять сирийскую землю обратно после того, как она была взят в плен финансируемыми американцами «бунтовщиками» (ISIS). Эти гражданские лица умирают, потому что Америка продолжает финансировать повстанцев, чтобы бороться с Ассадом, чтобы они могли свергнуть его и построить трубопровод через эту страну. Ваша лживая пропаганда больше не работает, большинство людей больше не верит в твою ложь."
Еще самые популярные мнения:
sensibleworld, nottingham, United Kingdom, 4 hours ago
Daily Mail need to have a long hard look in the mirror once in a while. Supporting the BS narrative of the US is bad for your souls.
When US backed t e r r o r i s t s stop using civilians as human shields then the war will be won
Large Hadron, North, United Kingdom, 2 hours ago
There was a ceasefire. Why did Obama bomb Syrian troops during a ceasefire? Not only did he help to create ISIS but is also funding them.
Bennyandthe jets, LOS ANGELES, United States, 2 hours ago
I am sick to death of the one sided reporting of this war. For better or for worse Assad is the legal ruler of his sovereign country where the West has no right to be. War crimes are committed on both sides and don't think the FSA in power would be any better than the staus quo. I am anti all war having said that if Syria was allowed to get on with it this war would have finished long ago and lives saved. Before Russia and Syria are put on trial let's have the countries who are supplying these weapons of mass destruction put in the dock first!
Hicky, Dublin, Ireland, 3 hours ago
I know this doesn't say much for the Middle East but in a relative world Assad is the good guy. I don't understand why the US and the U.K. Find this so hard to grasp.