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Oct 28, 2015 00:05

Как китайцы построили острова в Южно-китайском море. Из-за чего весь сыр-бор с американцами. Фото и инфографика от The New York Times

август 2014

сентябрь 2014

ноябрь 2014

декабрь 2014

февраль 2015

март 2015

апрель 2015

май 2015

сентябрь 2015

Colored rings show whether the feature is occupied by China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam or Taiwan.

Dredgers pump sediment onto Mischief Reef, March 2015.

Buildings under construction at Fiery Cross Reef, September 2015.

Islands and reefs that have undergone recent construction are shown with a white ring. Colored rings show whether the feature is occupied by China, the Philippines, Malaysia, Vietnam or Taiwan.

Land reclamation at Vietnam’s Sand Cay.

Construction on Fiery Cross Reef, April 2015.

Construction on Johnson South Reef, May 2015.

China’s land reclamation efforts and airstrip construction at Subi Reef, September 2015.

геополитика, Китай, США

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