Attempting NOT to Lurk.....

Aug 12, 2010 20:44

LJ, oh, LJ, how I've missed you....  Writing, oh, writing, how I've missed you MORE....

Okay, so I've been lurking on my iPhone at the most for LJ, reading a naughty story here and there at work.  Writing however, has been impossible.  And it's not writer's block, THANK GOD!  It's pregnancy....thank God for another  Knocks me on my ass though.  Soon as I sit at my computer at home and pull up a story to finish, I have only a 20-30 minutes before my eyes start to droop.  That's if I make it to my computer at all!

Four months in now and my little sister promised me I'll have more energy now.  My advice, never trust someone you still look at like they have pig tails even if they have two children of their own.

I miss writingbuds  very much!  Every time I see someone post, I always wish I could jump on my PC and join in.  But then my body reminds me that I'll be joining for 10 minutes before I'm drooling on my keyboard.

Oh well, someday soon....



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