Well dang. I came this ( >< ) close to seeing the Marvelous Wonderettes in NYC.
Heart. Broken.
They'll be on my iPod so I guess the first leg of our trip won't be so bad. Instead of the brilliant Wonderettes I get to see another group of "-ettes."
Okay... so I guess I'll be slightly less excited about the Rockettes but I'll live. My ass is getting back to NYC next summer. You just wait and see.
HOT DAMN. I better get a magnificent scarf and a kick ass beanie. I could live without the scarf actually... my beanie obsession is horrible.
Also, LOOKIE! I don't have the freaky ass monkey anymore because
tallulahdarling is a freaking wussy. I did acquire new icons from her so whatevs. She's forgiven. Ahahaha.
I haven't even started packing yet but whatev's. It's like a 3 day trip. I'll overpack, as usual, but it's not like I'll need 75 tons of clothes or anything.
Instead of being responsible and packing, I'll talk about my new obsessions as of late in numerical list form.
1. Janet McTeer - Umm... I don't have a folder of her as Petruchio readily available. Nahhhh.
2. Judy Garland - Well. Let's just say I THINK SHE'S EFFING BOSS. Okay.
3. Judy Davis - About a week ago I had no clue who this lady was. FAIL. Seriously considering re-watching Me and My Shadows. It's like a two-for-one special. Judy Davis as Judy Garland. WIN.
4. Susan Graham - OPERA LADY GODDESS.
5. Leigh Ann Larkin - Esscuse me miss?! YOU'RE ADORABLE.
6. Patti LuPone - She totally won me over after biting the ass off that photographer. HIL-EFFING-ARIOUS. Iluhvher.
7. Haydn Gwynne - But not so much yet. I do find a picture of her very very very very very nice though. I'M WORKING ON THE LOVE. Don't freak out.