(no subject)

Jul 07, 2007 17:54

I need to go home. There isn't any dire reason for it. It's just that I haven't been back home since March, and that was only for a 3-day weekend, much of which was spent dealing with family issues. I also think I just need a break from being here. I, unfortunately, have to make a major decision that will effect my entire life, and I would seek the advice of family and friends directly. I would also like to be able to devote some time unbroken by work concerns to thinking. Or perhaps my reason for going home is simply to escape anything that would remind me of time's passing and the need to make choices. Hrm. I don't know if Home is such a good place to go to ignore the clock's ticking, though. Every time I return something is different. Last time the house was a completely different color than it had been during the 23 years of my residence. And my dog was heavier. And, my dad's beard had more grey in it. He will be able to be Santa within a few years. Admittedly, those last two quantities are ever increasing. Still, even with changes, there is enough of a feeling of nostalgia there such that, to me, it will always be a refuge.

So, I will be coming home July 20th - 29thish, or thereabouts. The major reason for my delay was because Karen V and I were planning on going to Chicago to pick up something for her Spain trip, and we needed to wait until she could confirm an appointment. So, that's all settled. Her and I will be taking a megabus from Cleveland to Chicago around Sunday night, and will be taking the late-night bus out on Tuesday (arriving back in Ohio Wednesday morning). It turns out the travel will probably be cheaper than driving / parking, and will also give us more time to relax. Neither of us have been to Chicago, so it should be a good time.

My sister's summer project is to trace our family tree. Unfortunately, because of gaps, the best we can do is guess our lineage from before the 1800s. However, I know that ancestors on my father's side were potters (well, a couple of them anyway, though apparently only involved in the 'loading the kiln' side of things. So, at least my great grandfather wasn't a craftsman himself. Anyway, they moved to East Liverpool because at the time it was a major hub of the US Pottery industry). They come from a town in England that is known for potters. In addition to this, there exist several other Adamses from the 18th century from that village that were prominent potters. We wonder if we are related to them... it would be cool if we were, as then I could say, in truth, that I "come from a long line of potters". Unfortunately, there is ample evidence that we are not related, as the Gift does not seem to have been passed down to me. At best, I can make cylinders that are usually uniform in shape. Bah, I made a couple of mugs a few weeks ago. I was planning on giving one away, and keeping one for myself. Well, the one that I was planning on giving away developed a small crack in the glaze at the bottom, so I don't know how good it'd be to store liquid in. Like, it'll hold liquid, I just imagine that some liquid could get stuck in that crack and be hard to clean. The other mug was stolen, which annoys me. My sister gave me the advice to "just take someone else's" (she was joking). "Instead of 'pay it forward', it's like 'screw it forward'". A girl in the class told me that I could take it as a compliment, in that my work was worth stealing. I told her that I would at least liked to have seen this embodiment of beauty that was worthy of theft.

It barely holds as much as my mugs from target, unfortunately. I should probably have made it a little taller. I like the coloring well enough, though.

Just to give you an idea of scale. That's really the only way to grip it so that it feels balanced. It's too heavy for me to comfortably hold it using only my thumb and forefinger.
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