Dec 06, 2009 00:20
I read a lot of fiction. Most stories follow an arc wherein the protagonist is challenged, meets the challenge and overcomes it, and gets a well-deserved rest. Sometimes, though, this pace is changed, and certain elements are rearranged or lengthened. For example, the "Return of the King" has several climactic points occurring in a sequence. I guess this makes sense, because there was more than one hero to follow, but the pacing feels a bit odd as a reader. There was a major battle, WOO! The heroes survive! Happy ending? Nope! Now we follow two of the others heroes while they complete their quest! WOO! They succeed! Mega happy ending, right? Nope! The characters then must go home and stop a band of marauders. WOO! They save their town! Can we end it yet? Woo! Hobbit-party!
In many ways, this part of my life feels like the last two steps, minus the hobbits, and probably without the 'mega-happy' part. I have two finals next week. They will suck. I am studying all I can this weekend, but... given that work has been particularly time-consuming these past couple weeks, I feel I have not had adequate time to prepare. Each lecture gives you another tool or method that you may be required to use in exams. I'm going through the lectures now, writing notes on all the topics we covered, but... I don't feel like I'll be able to get in enough practice with them to have the proficiency required to use them well on the exam. In many ways, I screwed this up. I should've been more diligent during the semester. It's a learning process, I know, and I will change my approach for next semester. Right now, however, I am feeling pretty dismayed. Between work this past week, and having to attend class, most of my studying is occurring now. Three days of studying for an exam, and I don't feel like it'll be enough. Blegh. This is worlds different than undergrad.
After the last final is over (two mondays from now), my class has plans to go out for drinks. For many of my classmates, this is the end of the semester and they can relax for a few weeks. I, though, have to return to work the next day. For the last week, the docketers have assigned me around twice as many cases as I usually have to deal with. It would've been an annoying week without finals. With it, though, and with my goal of trying to do well on both tasks? This... is daunting. At one point, I would've relished the challenge. Now, it just makes me tired and want a vacation even more. I guess I'm getting old. Anyway. I'll deal. But, yeah, the end of finals seems almost anti-climactic, because I won't be able to start relaxing yet. I'll allow myself one night with some friends, then turn and try to stem the tide at work.
I wish I had good news to report, so that this entry wasn't so dour. But, meh. My life is work, and class, and losing myself in video games when the first two become too much. Dragon Age was a fun time, and Brandon Sanderson did a good job at picking up "The Wheel of Time." Alright. Back to learning about contracts.