Currently sitting in Narita airport near Tokyo, waiting for the final flight to Seoul. The flight over was fine, but very tiring. I think I've been on the road for like 20 hours or so, with only intermittent rest. I have to remind myself not to take Window seats, as I was next to this older Japanese couple who I felt bad making stand up so I could go to the bathroom. I also have to become wealthy enough to pay for first class, to try to get some sleep.
Anyway, I'm going to do my best to keep the travelogue thing going on. You can reach it
here. I took some cool pictures of some mountains we were flying over in the arctic, but, alas, it appears that I left my camera cable in my other bag.
Most disappointing thing so far? Seeing that the Penguins lost. I mean, it's not much of a surprise, but it still sucks (before i looked, I was thinking that they were in a state of superposition. Observer-dependent sports. I should not have looked).