An Introduction.

Mar 04, 2005 23:37

I am willing to try things I don't know anything about. So here I am a newbie.

Charone is who I am.

I heard about this through the many different conversation I've seen on various Queer As Folk sites.
I am also in college (nontraditional Student) so hanging around all the beautiful young women keeps me in the know.

Interest... I have a lot.

Queer As Folk is just one of my Fandom. I have been obsessed with the show. I more of a B/Mshipper but I enjoy Justin as well. Actually I am thinking about writing something where Brian Michael and Justin will be in a consensual Poly relationship.

Anything Thing Queer: I am a out and proud lesbian (bi) I have been doing queer politics for about 18 years.

Progressive politics: I love politics. I am an activist and proud of it

Disability: I am a visually impaired person (disability activist)

Music: I have to have it. Just got an IPod and I can't live without it.

Radio: I am producer and host of a radio program in Atlanta LAMBDA Radio Report I would like to meet other queer journalists.

Black and Indian: Would like to connect with others

X - Files: other fandom

Star Trek: (voy TNG) yet another fandom

Slash: addicted? Yes

That’s not all
But that’s all for now.

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