Sep 24, 2008 01:47


You CAN'T have him regenerate!
It's not FAIR!!!!
He's the first Doctor i've been head-over-heals in love with since Tom Baker , and you just CAN'T take him away!
how can he be the father of my illigitemate alien love babies if you kill off the only incarnation i want to do naughty things with?

besides, it totally messes up the ( Read more... )

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Don't mean to necropost but... shadowcircus October 29 2008, 21:45:45 UTC
David Tennant has announced that he's officially leaving along with producer Russel T Davies after the 2009 Christmas Special:

Sorry, sweetie. But it is over a full year away!

On the same subject thread; an old friend recently sent me a picture he found of me at age 14 (with bad skin and coke-bottle glasses) dressed in a horrible horrible Peter Davison outfit:

No, I wasn't dressed up for anything, I just really liked dressing like the Doctor. I don't know why I'm wearing a black fedora instead of PD's white Panama - I'm quite certain I had a (battered) white Panama as well.


Re: Don't mean to necropost but... charon_grayi October 30 2008, 05:05:39 UTC
"I don't know why I'm wearing a black fedora instead of PD's white Panama - I'm quite certain I had a (battered) white Panama as well. "

because you had Tom Baker hair, and that REQUIRES a felt fedora.
it just does. it is a universal truth, and cannot be questioned.


Re: Don't mean to necropost but... charon_grayi October 30 2008, 05:10:21 UTC
... and NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
for the love of Gallifrey noooooo!!!!!!

that news hurt my heart, soul, and liver all in one blow.


Re: Don't mean to necropost but... shadowcircus January 4 2009, 06:37:57 UTC
Necroposting again...

Don't know if you've seen, but they did a Doctor Who Confidential Special today announcing who is being cast as Doctor 11... He's a relative unknown named Matt Smith and he'll be the youngest ever person to play the Doctor (he's 26). It's hard to tell from the clips, but he seems okay... He's got really, really incredible hair... The bastard gives me total hair envy...

Here's a link to upload the special if you want to see it:

Hope you're doing well!


Re: Don't mean to necropost but... charon_grayi January 4 2009, 08:06:43 UTC
My goodness, that really IS quite an impressive tangle of awesomeness he's cultivated there!
i'm trying REALLY HARD not to bounce with my impatience to discover this new doctor's personality, since that's making it difficult to type on my laptop.

A few deep breaths...
A shot or three of Tequila...
Annnnd... There! Now i can downgrade my emotions to simply "vibrating with anticipation".


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