Picture this, taste and devour, we rise early, pace up the hour...

Apr 18, 2009 03:05

... streets is hustling, bustling their heart out, you can't have the sweet with no sour. -- K'Naan, "Fatima"

Wow... it's been almost a YEAR since I've written in my journal?! What is wrong with me! I suppose an update is in order!

Dean is nearly 18 months now. He's learning sign language and communicates very efficiently with us, especially when it comes to wanting something. He's wearing 2-3T clothes, and he's just so intelligent and so adorable, too. I wish I had documented here when he took his first step and whatnot, because I can't really remember. I do know he dances to music, and has been doing so long before he could walk. He'd stand up in his play yard, hold on to the side and sway back and forth, watching Jack's Big Music Show.

Dean is also quite the helper. He'll sweep up the kitchen, throw trash away, and even puts his toys away in the appropriate spots! He's eating solid foods, though he likes to drink his formula, too. Here's a list of signs that Dean communicates with us (I'm forgetting a couple, but he knows over 40 signs!):

baby, banana, bath, belly, bird, book, bowl, cereal, cookie, daddy, diaper, ears, eat, eyes, finger, feet, goodbye, granddad, hair, hands, head, hello, help, mama, milk, mouth, no, nose, one, out, pacifier, sleep, strawberries, toes, want, water, and yes.

Before you ask, no, Dean is NOT deaf. He's just picking up on sign language to communicate better.

In one of the last entries, I actually stated that Amanda was pregnant. Well, I should probably give an update on that, too.

Alexander Paul Tullos was born January 2nd, 2009 at 3:37 pm Central time. He weighed in at 10 pounds 14 ounces and was 22 inches long. Alex was even bigger than Dean!! Alex is growing so fast, too! He's not even 4 months old and he's wearing 18m clothes. We're going to have two big kids once they get older!

The best part about Dean and Alex, though, is they have a special bond together. Dean cares about Alex, and Alex looks up to Dean. They'll be sitting in their high chairs, and Alex will laugh as Dean laughs or does something funny. If Alex is upset, Dean will often come over to his baby brother and give him a kiss or his pacifier or do something to console him. Dean just loves his brother, and you can really see the compassion in Dean every day when he's giving you kisses, or kissing his brother.

We're so very proud of Dean and Alex. I don't think we could have asked for better children.

That's enough for tonight. I'll write more often again, now that I've rediscovered LiveJournal.
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