May 13, 2010 13:58
I'm not really into writing stuff here on livejournal anymore. Seems easier just to update my facebook status, and even that feels difficult sometimes. It's not that I don't like writing, but I'm never sure what I should write here. My life consists of so little things nowadays, all of which must seem boring to those who read them, haha.
I've started evaluating my life a whole lot more than before. Like I analyze and think too much what's good and what's not. I tend to get anxiety attacks when playing football, and I believe I need to take a break from it after this season. I don't know how long a break, but long enough to revitalize my motivation and love for the sports. And I also want to join a choir in the Autumn, it's been too long that I sung with people. Maybe it'd help with my breathing problems as well, shrug.
I'm moving out from our Kivalo community in the course of the next few months. Me and the Man bought a place in the center of the city. I made him realize we need enough space to have a kid. What?? What was that? Seriously, how can I be thinking of kids already?? Yeaaaaah, I have to be, having this silly endometriosis and all. First He was a bit like "oh come on, we only need like1 room to live in", but at the end he was really happy we'd gotten a bigger place. AND the place totally feels like us! And now I'm dying to paint the walls and decorate it nicely! Watching decorating shows is my new hobby:P
Aaand what else..did I mention we got engaged in India? Right. I'm still a bit squirmy about it and I often see the worst case scenario in my head, but he aaaaalways calms me down. Jeez, I'm so difficult.