Online Manga Reading -- Gone?

Jul 25, 2010 13:59

It looks like the online manga reading sites are being targeted big time by the publishing companies. Personally ...

I think the manga publishers have advantages by 'letting' online reading sites post the scanlated chapters. Why?

1.) Many manga and anime fans would not be aware of an anime or manga series if they didn't stumble upon it online.

2.) Most of the sites are free; the ones that charge to read manga they do not own or have permission to charge for reading are wrong to charge.

3.) Fans getting to read a scanlated chapter online will keep interest in the series between manga book releases. Some books are available on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. Some even less (everyone say it with me -- S a i y u k i).

4.) Online reading sites have brought manga to many countries where (up until a few years ago) manga books weren't as easily available at smaller book stores. Just *ahem* six years ago I had to special order each and every volume of BLEACH I wanted to read. The store clerk had to be told what a manga was, no it was not about laundry additives, and yes the author was TIGHT KUBO. In fairness, I've got to say most book store clerks (or associates) are more up to speed on manga now.

Sadly, the manga publishers are probably expecting several things to happen. For example, they anticipate --

a.) Readers will flood their manga selling sites to get the next volumes. Probably, but only for a few volumes.

b.) Anyone wanting to read manga will have to order it from the publisher. Yes, but less new fans will find the manga without it being available for free previews online. New fans are important to a manga series.

c.) Some manga publishers may realize they need to have an outreach to the online public to offer free chapter reading. Good, good idea, but this is a huge undertaking -- and one that the raws providers, translators, scanlators, and online reading site webmasters have already been doing for free (mostly) and have built a networking community second only to the rabidity of Kpop fans.

So, in the end, I personally believe there will be more losing in this situation than winning. However it happens, hopefully someone will come up with something we-fans and they-publishers can live with.

What's your opinion?

one piece, onemanga, bleach, naruto, online manga reading, manga, manga chapter online

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