All right, my doves. I deeply apologize for the lack of updating that has been going on around here, but
lastholiday and I have both started school, and, as such, are completely swamped.
But Labor Day comes to the rescue, and I am snatching a couple minutes to post your assignment. Hurrah.
I'm going to post the next two, actually, as a safeguard in case I don't make it next week (my dear old marching band is marching in the State Fair Parade, so it's going to be an insane weekend). If I do have the time, I'll separate the two, and move it to a more recent entry. All righty?
So, your assignment for this week is as follows:
Header Contest!
As you can see, we have an absolutely spiffy banner, but we've decided it is time for a change. As such, a header contest was born, though we won't say no to an icon and user info banner. The amount you'll get for each item is as follows:
Icon: 10 points
User Info: 20 points
Header: 30 points
For a total of 60 points. The winner will recieve an additional 60 points; up to 120 points, loves!
And, because we need to advertise this like no tomorrow, every link that you give us that shows you advertising this contest (CH main comm, your houses, your personal LJ if you have CH friends, wherever), we'll give you another 5 points. Just try not to post where someone has already posted!
This contest ends September 17, 2006, or two weeks from today.
For those of you that don't have the graphic-making programs, or just don't really want to, never fear! There is an alternative (of course, you can always do both). Last lesson, we asked you about your favourite spell. Now, I want you to write a brief essay about why you think it is the most useful, best spell. This essay will be anywhere from 20 to 40 points, depending on the quality. This will be due September 10, 2006.
Find two to four spells of your choosing, and dissect the latin root; you can do this using
Lexicon, or even an
online Latin dictionary. Please put where you got your information. Extra points will be given to those who use a source I didn't put up here.
Here's your format:
Summary of Spell:
Latin meaning:
Spell: Accio
Summary of Spell: The Summoning Spell; when used the format of "Accio [item]", the item in question will come to the wand-bearer.
Latin meaning: accio -ire -ivi (-ii) -itum [to call , summon].
Source: Each spell will be worth 20 points, for a total of 40 to 80 points. Due September 17, 2006.
Thanks for your patience, y'all; I hope that we can (finally) get this thing up and running!