This assignment is going to be interesting as it will involve creating future assignments.
As professor of Charms, I used many different varieties of assignments in my first term teaching at Hogwarts. As a result, this past term has been frightfully uneventful, which is reinforced by the dearth of participation.
In order to prevent another drought next term, I am asking that for your final exam in this course you do one thing and one thing only: Recommend at least one assignment for next term. As a reply to this post, please write clearly one thing you'd like to see us touch on in the coming semester. Keep in mind that it should be easy enough for students to participate but hard enough to make them think. If you give a general idea, I may be able to research the idea and present a lecture and questions to go with that lecture. Otherwise, the assignment should be able to be completed using the HP series and the internet.
As always, please include the name of your House so points can be properly awarded. These last minute points could help your House to win the House Cup. Please get submissions in before the end of term on 31 March.
Thanks so much for your participation in this course. It's definitely appreciated.