Sep 11, 2008 00:54
So, I think it's high time I make this journal friends-only.
I'm just having one of those moments of wild paranoia. You know, the ones I get sometimes when I think too hard about certain things?
If you are out there, unfriended, still reading my public posts, it's all aboard the friendin' train, or my delightfully inane banter will be closed off to you forever. A tragedy!
So yeah. I'll probably still make a public post now and again. And I might go back and public the entries I'm particularly amused with. But I feel like no stranger from the internet or stalkerish enemy has the right to be reading the teenage angst I posted last year in high school unless they go through the process of "ADD CHARMISJESS?" and I say "WHY NOT, STRANGE NEW FRIEND?"
--and that's really the only standard I need.